Market crashed – Should I sell my shares?

Market crashed – Should I sell my shares? How many times have we heard this sentence? At every market fall, the media is full of such headlines. I wrote an article on this in November 2010 and it is relevant even now. Back then, I lived in Mumbai and would travel from my residence in […]
Opportunity to rectify tax mistakes relating to political donations

Opportunity To Rectify Tax Mistakes Relating To Political Donations Many taxpayers are receiving communication from tax department to check the deductions claimed on account of donations made to political parties and to rectify their tax returns if such donations are incorrect. As per the current tax laws, such rectification of return (referred to as “Updated […]
Clarity on taxability of amount received under Unit-linked Insurance Plans

Clarity on taxability of amount received under Unit-linked Insurance Plans Monies received from Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (popularly known as ULIPs) are exempt from tax unless the premium paid for one ULIP or the sum total of premium paid for multiple ULIPs is more than Rs. 2.5 lakhs for any year. The amount received on the […]
How the marginal tax relief works?

How The Marginal Tax Relief Works? There have been articles circulating in social media that there is zero tax liability up to Rs 12 lakhs (excluding standard deduction) and if the income increases by one rupee, tax liability shall be greater than Rs. 60,000 resulting in less money in the hands of the taxpayer. However, […]
Old tax regime is dead!!

Old Tax Regime is Dead!! The new tax regime was first introduced in the financial year 2020-21 and since then the Government have made all the efforts to make the new tax regime more attractive as compared to the old tax regime. Budget 2025 has put a final nail in the coffin of the old […]
Budget from the lens of financial planning

Budget From The Lens of Financial Planning Financial planning is a long-term process wherein we plan for our immediate goals as well as for goals which are decades away, whereas the budget is a short-term view of how things are expected to be in the next one or couple of years. It is foolhardy to […]
Public Provident Fund

Public Provident Fund How recent PPF guidelines impacts you? Three paragraphs on public provident fund (PPF) in a guideline issued by Ministry of Finance in July 2024 have created confusion in the investors’ mind regarding its impact on their existing PPF accounts. The confusion is even more if such PPF account is for the child. […]
Buyback Tax Impact

Buyback Tax Impact Retail investors to be hit harder by new share buy-back rule from Oct 1: Here’s the maths Sept 1, 2024 Tax on buy-back of shares has an oscillating history. Prior to 2013, share buybacks were taxable in the hands of the shareholders as capital gain. The old rule allowed the deduction of […]